Facial Aesthetic Services White Marsh

Regain Your Confidence Without Cosmetic Surgery

Woman in dental chair looking at her face after facial aesthetic services in White Marsh

You may be wondering what facial aesthetic services are and how they relate to your dentist. You know your dentist can help you achieve your most beautiful smile with teeth whitening, veneers, and dental implants. But your dentist does not have to stop there. Many dental practices are now beginning to look beyond the mouth to see how they can help their patients feel the most confident about their appearance. Facial aesthetic procedures are the next step in dental offerings to help you maintain the youthful appearance you love.

If you are curious about facial aesthetic services in White Marsh and what they can do for your look, reach out to Dental Designs of Maryland. We offer various treatments designed to preserve the youthful complexion you desire. Contact us online or call us today to learn more about our cosmetic dentistry services and set up a facial aesthetic consultation.


Why Choose Dental Designs of Maryland for Facial Aesthetic Services?

  • Xeomin® & BOTOX to Minimize Facial Wrinkles
  • Dermal Fillers to Address Hollow Features
  • Cosmetic Dentist with Facial Aesthetics Training

What Are Facial Aesthetic Services?

Woman in white tee shirt smiling in dental chair

Cosmetic dentistry used to be limited to teeth whitening and restoration, such as veneers, crowns, and implants. Dentists have been looking for new options to enhance their ability to help their clients age gracefully.

Once you have achieved a beautiful smile, you may want to go further and address any other concerns about your facial appearance. Aesthetic procedures consider the bigger picture of your entire appearance. After all, what good is having perfectly straight, white teeth if you are unhappy with your other features?

Facial aesthetic treatments tackles some of the primary issues that interfere with a desirable facial appearance, such as:

  • Facial symmetry
  • Facial proportions
  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines
  • Loss of volume

Facial aesthetic services involve non-surgical treatments of the face that were once limited to cosmetic surgery practices. Combined with teeth whitening and restoration, dentists offering facial aesthetic procedures provide a well-rounded approach to helping you look your best.

Types of Facial Aesthetic Procedures

Smiling woman leaning back in dental chair

Facial aesthetics can help you address any bothersome fine lines, wrinkles, and facial asymmetry. Again, these are not surgical procedures, so they are less invasive, more affordable, and do not require a lengthy recovery time.

Some of the most common facial aesthetic procedures now being offered include:

  • BOTOX/Xeomin and dermal fillers – Habits like smoking can lead to lines around the mouth. However, you can also develop fine lines from sun exposure or natural aging. BOTOX helps relax the muscles near the wrinkles, while dermal fillers help plump up and fill in wrinkles to minimize their appearance.
  • Thread lifts – As collagen production slows down, you may experience sagging in the jaw and lower face. A thread lift offers a non-surgical option to lift the skin in this area, so it looks tighter and firmer.

If any of these procedures appeal to you, reach out to Dental Designs of Maryland to find out which types of facial aesthetic surgery we offer. These non-surgical procedures can help you get your confidence back without going under the knife.