Preventive Dentistry White Marsh

Good Lifelong Oral Health Starts with Prevention

Woman receiving a preventive dentistry checkup in White Marsh

Preventive dentistry is the key to maintaining a natural, healthy smile for a lifetime. While accidents can happen that leave teeth infected, damaged, or even knocked-out, preventive services like those listed below can minimize your need for extensive dental procedures. If it has been longer than six months since you last visited your dentist in White Marsh, give our team at Dental Designs of Maryland a call today to schedule your routine preventive dentistry visit.


Why Choose Dental Designs of Maryland for Preventive Dentistry?

  • We Accept & Maximize Dental Insurance
  • Welcoming Entire Families
  • Multiple Convenient Locations


Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Close up of smiling mouth and dental mirror

Typically, dental hygiene appointments are scheduled for every six months. These appointments include:

  • A thorough teeth cleaning
  • Updated yearly diagnostic radiographs
  • An oral cancer screening
  • A periodontic exam
  • Oral hygiene counseling for home dental care

Some of our patients with periodontal issues might need to be more closely monitored, so our team might recommend that they come back more often. We want to ensure that any periodontal issues don’t worsen over time.

Fluoride Treatment

Dental patient having fluoride applied to their teeth

Fluoride treatment is an excellent way to fight cavities. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that helps to strengthen the enamel of the teeth and prevent cavities. This type of treatment is especially beneficial for children because it’s perfect for teeth that are still developing. Adult patients can also benefit from fluoride as well.

Gum Disease Treatment

Close up of person pointing to red spot in their gums

Another of our dental hygiene services is deep gum treatment. The gums are treated through a process known as scaling and root planing, which is a restorative dental procedure to remove plaque and tartar above and below the gum line. Deep gum treatment is recommended for patients with damaged gums, bone, or tissue due to gum disease, also known as periodontitis. Through a combination of physical debridement using our piezoelectric handpieces and antimicrobial irrigation placed under the gum, our Dental Designs of Maryland team will ensure that your mouth is restored to its best.


Clear nightguard next to blue case

Another common dental condition that our team treats is bruxism. Bruxism causes people to chronically clench their teeth, which wears them down and makes them vulnerable to sensitivity, decay, and more. Mouthguards are an excellent way for people with bruxism to prevent this wear and tear on their oral health. When patients choose to wear mouthguards, it takes two appointments. The first visit is to capture an impression of the teeth, and the second visit is for fitting.

Dental Sealants

Illustrated row of teeth with dental sealants

Dental sealants are often recommended for our younger patients, although many adults can benefit from them too! They’re clear shields that our team can paint over the top biting surface of molars, preventing food debris and plaque from accumulating in their pits and grooves. In addition to being a short and pain-free treatment, sealants can continue providing protection for several years.